Sunday, September 25, 2016


Baseball is truly one of my favorite childhood activities.  Baseball is a bat and ball game played between two teams of nine players.  Each team takes turns hitting and playing assigned positions in the field.  I can vividly recall rushing outside, after lunch to play baseball with my friends.  As soon as March arrived, I would start oiling my mitt (softening it with oil to make it easier to catch the ball)on a daily basis and begin breaking it in so that it would be ready for use on our first warm, spring day.
Although most girls on my street were excited about being able to go outside to skip rope, I would always be overwrought with anticipation when I was finally able to go to the basement to retrieve my bat and ball for my first day on the field.

Once we had all of our equipment in tow on our bicycle's,  my friends and I would run as fast as we could to our closest baseball field so that we could start to practice.  I had a reputation for always scoring the first run in every game.  My best friend was known for always breaking the bat when she hit a home run, because she would hit the ball with such great force. 

Once little league commenced, we had practiced independently so often that we were ready to compete well before some of our team members. Each game was a brand, new opportunity to show how well prepared we were and we played to win.

Although we were slightly saddened when baseball season was over, the sadness was always very short lived because our beloved football season was next

vividly (adjective) - strikingly, clearly.
overwrought (adjective) - extremely excited or agitated
anticipation (noun) - expectation or hope
retrieve (verb) - recover or regain
tow (verb) - to pull or haul by rope, chain or other device
reputation (noun) - the estimation or name of being, having, or having done something specified
commenced (verb) - to begin or start

*Home run - when a player passes around first, second and third base and returns to the starting point, touching the bases in that order,  after first having hit the ball over the fence in fair play.
In tow - having something with you.

Vocabulary Exercise:
Read the sentences.  Complete the sentence with the correct antonym from the word bank.
*forfeit, terminate, calm, discredit, vaguely, dread*

1. Maya could __________ remember the ending of the movie.
2. Everyone was surprised by her ________ demeanor upon hearing the good news.
3. Most people ________ going to the doctor.
4. The team did not arrive on time and as a result had to ___________ the game.
5. Your thoughtless actions will bring ________ to your name.
6. Jane had to _________ her relationship with Sam because she found out that he was married.

Grammar Point:
Many words have more than one meaning.  These words are called multiple meaning words.
In the blog entry above, I used the words: play, bat, ball and run.  Each of those words are multiple meaning words.   Write a paragraph where you incorporate four multiple meaning words into your writing.

Sunday, September 18, 2016


Cooking Is My Hobby

Cooking has become my favorite hobby as an adult. It was something that I learned at an early age from my maternal grandmother.  My grandmother was a magnificent cook who never received any formal training.

When I am cooking, I can completely immerse myself in the process. My cooking process includes but is not limited to; planning my menu, prepping my ingredients and executing each course with precision.

The kitchen is truly my happy place. When I am cooking, I savor each step of the process because it is a place where I can plug in my ear buds, listen to my favorite music and create a melodious symphony of flavors that I know my family will be eager to devour.  

However, my greatest joy occurs when I have set the table and everyone has had their first bite.  It truly warms my heart to watch my family enjoy what I have made for them with so much love and care.

The kitchen is also a place of refuge for me.  When I have had a particularly difficult day, it is therapeutic for me to create an impromptu meal and lose myself in the process.  The attention that I must pay to the tasks required for each course grants me the opportunity to forget about the challenges experienced earlier in my day and release my stress while I prep each course.

What is your favorite hobby? Why?

immerse (verb) to involve deeply
precision (noun) accuracy
savor (noun) to give oneself to the enjoyment of
melodious (adjective) tuneful or musical
devour (verb) to eat up hungrily
refuge (noun) a place of aid, relief or escape
therapeutic (adjective) curative
impromptu (adjective) done without being planned or prepared for in advance

Vocabulary Exercise: Synonyms
Write one synonym for each of the vocabulary words.

1. Immerse         _________________
2. Precision        _________________
3. Savor              _________________
4. Melodious      _________________
5. Devour           _________________
6. Refuge           _________________
7. Therapeutic   _________________

Grammar Point:
A verb is a word that is used to describe an action.  Please write a composition detailing your favorite hobby and include three verbs in your writing.