Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Daylight Saving Time

Daylight Saving Time seems to cause confusion every year. If you are wondering what Daylight Saving Time is, it is a time cycle that starts in the early spring when you set your clocks ahead one hour. Due to the fact that the sun rises very early in the spring and summer months, setting your clocks ahead by an hour gives you more daylight in the evening. In the fall, the exact opposite happens - we set our clocks back an hour to gain an extra hour of sunlight in the morning, so that we're not heading off to school or work in the dark.

Daylight Saving Time comes to an end on the first Sunday of November, every calendar year.  This year, it ended on November 6th. It is commonly referred to as "falling back" and gives us all one extra hour of sleep that night, and one less hour of sunlight in the evening for the rest of the season. 

Confusion (noun) - Not being clear in one's mind.

Cycle (noun) - Events that are repeated in the same order.

Ahead (adverb) Into the future.

Opposite (noun) A person or thing that is the reverse of someone or something else.

Gain (verb) To get something.

Vocabulary Exercise:   Complete the vocabulary word jumble below.  Some of the letters have been filled in for you.

1. hadea            _ _ _ a _

2. ycelc           _ _ _ l _

3. tpospoei      _ _ _ o _  _ t _

4. gnai             _ _ _ n

5. nuonsocif    _ _ _ _ _ s i _ _

Extra practice:
How many words can you make with the letters that were given to you?

Grammar Point:
Daylight Saving Time is always capitalized because it is a proper noun.  A proper noun is more specific than a regular noun. A proper noun gives us the actual name of the person, place, thing, or idea and must always be capitalized.

Make a list of five proper nouns and use each one in a sentence.


  1. Boy do I dislike daylight savings in November. The benefit is the one extra hour of sleep but that does not make up for all of those dark evening nights. :( One of my friends had told me that her son is still on the other schedule so his sleep schedule still messed up. I like your word jumble activity, that seems like it would be fun and get your brain working.

  2. I like the extra hour of sleep though it takes the cats a few weeks to get the idea. Your activities are all fun, and I ike the extra practice.
